Turkey-EU Joint Committee Presidents Visit Shamsi Bayraktar

Turkey-EU JCC Members Visit Şemsi Bayraktar

ANKARA – A delegation consisting of representatives from the Turkey-European Union (EU) Joint Consultation Committee (JCC) visited Şemsi Bayraktar, the President of the Turkish Chambers of Agriculture Union (TZOB). The delegation included members from the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), the Turkish Confederation of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK), the HAK-İŞ Confederation of Trade Unions, the MEMUR-SEN Confederation of Public Service Workers, the Turkish Public Employees Union (Türkiye KAMU-SEN), and the Turkish Confederation of Employers’ Unions (TİSK).

During the visit, TOBB President and JCC Co-Chair M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, TESK President Bendevi Palandöken, HAK-İŞ President Mahmut Arslan, MEMUR-SEN President Ali Yalçın, Türkiye KAMU-SEN President Önder Kahveci, and TİSK Executive Board Member Metin Demir participated.

The presidents exchanged views on the current developments of the Turkey-EU Joint Consultation Committee and labor union activities. Bayraktar expressed his gratitude to the presidents for their courtesy visit.

Source: Tarım Haberleri

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