JBS Beef and Poultry Plants in US Now Producing Renewable Gas

JBS USA has announced a partnership with GreenGasUSA to produce renewable natural gas at multiple beef and poultry processing plants. The collaboration will involve collecting methane from wastewater streams at


Revolution in Cattle Farming: Tarım Kredi Announces General Manager’s Plans for Cows to Give Birth 15-20 Times a Year!

The post discusses a significant breakthrough in cattle breeding, with the General Manager of Tarım Kredi announcing that a single cow could produce 15-20 calves per year. This Innovation represents


Pairwise partners with Corteva in $40M funding round for gene-editing startup

Pairwise, a pioneering startup in the field of gene-edited food production in the U.S., has secured $40 million in investor funding and formed a strategic partnership with seed giant Corteva.


Dutch government aims to overturn EU ban on electric pulse fishing

Banned in the EU since 2021, electric pulse fishing is under scrutiny for re-authorisation, as the Dutch government pushes for a change in regulations in its recent agriculture plan. The


Global Food Security: Investing Strategies for a Sustainable Future

In an era marked by increasing population densities, Climate Change, and the ongoing impacts of economic instability, Global Food Security has become a pressing concern. It encompasses the ability of


Top Arable Farmers Shortlisted for 2024 Farmers Weekly Awards

The three finalists in the arable category are all making significant progress in their battle against blackgrass and achieving impressive yields on challenging soils. David Passmore, from Mays Farm in


EU deadlock continues over deregulating gene-edited food, split remains

A proposal by the Belgian Council Presidency to address the deadlock on New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) legislation was taken off the EU ambassadors’ meeting agenda on Wednesday. The decision was


Shape the Future of Agricultural Innovation: Participate in the Western Agricultural Innovations Survey

Western Crop Innovations (WCI), a non-profit agricultural research and development center based in Lacombe, invites producers in Western Canada to participate in a critical survey. Your input could be key


Market Volatility: Unmasking the Deceptive Trends in Global Agricultural Economies

In the complex world of global agricultural economies, Market Volatility is often portrayed as a necessary evil; an unavoidable consequence of dynamic supply and demand forces. However, a deeper examination


Trade Barriers: The Hidden Hand of Protectionism and Its Impact on Global Agriculture

In the world of agricultural economics, few topics stir more debate than Trade Barriers. These protective measures—ranging from tariffs and Import quotas to subsidies and regulations—are often touted as necessary
