Proving the Quality of British Beef with Data: Farmer Focus

British farmers take great pride in their work and the way they operate. They are known for being adaptable, compassionate, productive, and hardworking. However, in a competitive market where they are up against imports, simply claiming to be the best is not enough. Actions speak louder than words.

The definition of “best” varies from person to person. Unlike countries like the US, Canada, and Australia, the UK does not emphasize or reward eating quality factors such as flavor, tenderness, and succulence. This is an area where improvement can be made to showcase the true quality of British beef.

British farmers excel in areas such as reducing food miles, preserving the landscape, and ensuring food security. They also rank highly in animal welfare, outperforming countries like the US, Canada, Australia, and South America according to the Animal Protection Index. Additionally, the UK has a lower carbon footprint in beef production compared to the global average, though it lags behind the US and Canada.

One key factor that influences carbon efficiency is the number of days to slaughter. While growth hormones are commonly used in beef production in other countries to accelerate growth and reduce days to slaughter, the UK can achieve similar results through improved genetics and management practices without resorting to hormones.

The UK beef industry also stands out in terms of antibiotics use, with lower levels compared to some other nations. However, there is a need for more data to support this claim. By voluntarily sharing antibiotics records and collaborating with veterinarians, software suppliers, and supply chain partners, British farmers can reinforce the reputation of British beef as the best choice.

Overall, actions such as improving eating quality, reducing carbon footprint, and demonstrating responsible antibiotics use are key to proving that British beef is truly top-notch in a competitive global market.


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