After a successful harvest season, we are thrilled to announce the completion of our acquisition of a sausage-making company. This long-awaited deal includes the business’s retail shop, production unit, established brand, staff, recipes, and machinery. Moving further along the supply chain from farm to fork has been a goal for us, and this acquisition presented a perfect opportunity for growth.

We have been working on this deal for the past 11 months, and we are excited to see it come to fruition. To follow our journey and explore our products, check out Procters Sausages on Facebook.

In addition to this exciting news, we have been analyzing data from our trial with Agsenze on the farm. Agrisys provided us with a weighing system that is paired with a camera system to develop a condition scoring system based on digital images, eliminating the need for individual weighing or manual scoring. The data we are receiving includes individual weights of around 200 gilts and sows during gestation, offering valuable insights for our team.

Our experienced stockperson, Alex, has already found the system to provide new information that may not have been detected visually. In the coming weeks, we will be meeting with our nutritionist to utilize this data in optimizing feed quality and quantity for our animals based on their age, parity, and gestation stage.
