New Foundation addressing mental health disparities in rural communities

On World Suicide Prevention Day, the Rural Communities Mental Health Foundation was launched with a focus on improving mental health and reducing suicide rates in rural communities. The foundation, founded by Kate Scott and Lewis Hunter, aims to provide training to businesses and organizations that interact with agricultural workers to help them identify individuals in need of mental health support. Additionally, there will be efforts to raise awareness among young people in schools, colleges, and young farmers’ organizations about the importance of mental health and available resources. The foundation will initially target rural communities in Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire, and Bedfordshire, but will extend its services to other counties as well. More information can be found at

Regarding poor mental health in the farming industry, statistics show that the suicide rate for male farm workers is three times the national average, with three people in the UK farming and agricultural industry taking their own lives every week. The main barriers preventing men from seeking help include the stigma surrounding mental health, lack of awareness of available support, and not knowing who to reach out to.


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