Innovative ‘Plan Bee’ Technology Revolutionizes Crop and Seed Protection for Next Generation – Euractiv

Bee vectoring technology is revolutionizing crop protection by utilizing bees to administer targeted crop controls through pollination. This innovative precision agriculture system reduces the need for chemical pesticides, benefiting both crop health and the environment. The use of bees for crop protection aligns with the United Nations’ recognition of the vital role of pollinators in food security and biodiversity.

In Europe, Bee Vectoring Technologies has made significant strides in implementing this technology, with trials in Spain funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Research and Innovations Action. This development comes at a time when the EU is striving to reduce the use of chemical pesticides by 50% by 2030 as part of its Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies.

Despite the industry’s resistance to change, farmers are recognizing the importance of transitioning to alternative pest control methods. The introduction of biopesticides and new agricultural technologies offers sustainable solutions to traditional chemical pesticides. These methods, such as new seed coatings and pest genome sequencing, provide effective alternatives while minimizing environmental impact.

However, the adoption of these alternative pest control methods faces challenges in the regulatory process, hindering their widespread implementation. Farmers require support and incentives to embrace these innovations fully. Encouragingly, success stories like that of French farmer Jean-Philippe Petillon demonstrate the benefits of implementing alternative pest control strategies, resulting in reduced pesticide use and increased profits.

To achieve the EU’s pesticide reduction targets, a collaborative effort involving farmers, policymakers, and industry stakeholders is crucial. By promoting the adoption of sustainable pest control practices and investing in research and development, the agricultural sector can move towards a more environmentally friendly and economically viable future.


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