EU Farmers Chief Urges Appointment of Vice-President for Agriculture in Next Commission

The upcoming European Commission should appoint a robust agriculture commissioner to reflect the growing significance of food and farming in the political landscape, according to the president of COPA, the largest European farmers’ association.

Christiane Lambert, the first female leader of the EU’s most representative farmers’ organization, will be stepping down in September after a four-year tenure marked by challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and widespread farmers’ protests across Europe. These events have shifted the EU’s focus towards prioritizing food security and production alongside environmental concerns.

Lambert emphasized the importance of appointing a strong commissioner for agriculture in the next mandate and suggested that the individual also serve as a vice-president of the Commission with a portfolio covering the entire food supply chain. This move would ensure that the evolving needs of the food industry are adequately addressed.

The issue of market power balance within the food supply chain is a key area that the commissioner for food is likely to tackle. Despite the EU’s 2019 directive aimed at protecting farmers’ income, Lambert noted that farmers’ earnings remain below average and further action is required at the European level to address this disparity.

Regarding concerns about protectionism and nationalism, Lambert clarified that emphasizing food security and sovereignty does not equate to isolationism. She stressed the importance of open trade with an emphasis on reciprocity and shared rules with third-country producers while rejecting protectionist policies and nationalist ideologies.

In conclusion, Lambert highlighted the need for a united Europe as the essential framework for farmers, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and shared values over individualistic nationalism.

Overall, Lambert’s insights shed light on the evolving landscape of EU agriculture policy and the pressing challenges facing the food supply chain in the upcoming mandate.


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