EU explores water strategy amid conflict over agricultural reservoirs

The re-elected president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen has announced plans for a strategy aimed at sustainable water management. This announcement comes at a time when 21 EU ministers have called for water to be a top priority on the European agenda, and protests are planned in France against the construction of large water reservoirs for irrigation.

Von der Leyen emphasized the need for farmers to be better prepared for climate change and stated her intention to present a plan for agriculture to address this issue. Additionally, a strategy for sustainable water management will be introduced to ensure the responsible use of this valuable resource.

In response to the ministers’ call for an EU water security strategy, measures are being proposed to guarantee the availability and security of water supplies through nature-based solutions and increased funding for research and innovation in the water sector.

Europe is recognized for its innovative water technologies, with countries like Germany, France, UK, Netherlands, and Italy leading in patenting water inventions. However, concerns have been raised about the environmental impact of large water reservoirs in France, with protests against the construction of “mega-basins” for irrigation.

Opponents argue that these reservoirs could harm the environment by drawing on deep groundwater and storing rainwater for agricultural use. The issue has also raised legal concerns, with French Green MEPs challenging the compliance of these basins with European law, specifically the Water Framework Directive.

The European Commission has pledged to investigate the matter and has urged France to assess the financial and environmental implications of the projects while ensuring the sustainable use of water resources. The situation in France underscores the importance of sustainable water management and the need for public engagement in decision-making processes.


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