Stay informed with the latest news and updates from the U.K. Minister for Food, Farming, and Fisheries. Explore key announcements, policies, and initiatives affecting food security, sustainable agriculture, fisheries, and rural communities in the U.K. Keep up with how the government is shaping the future of food, farming, and fisheries.

Thousands of Applications Filed for Sustainable Farming Incentive Program

Over 10,000 farmers from across England have submitted their applications for the enhanced Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) program since its launch in September, according to an announcement from the Department


Government Reaffirms Commitment to Supporting British Farmers

On February 20, the government reaffirmed its dedication to implementing a strategy aimed at supporting thriving agricultural businesses, enhancing food security, and safeguarding the UK’s farming sector for future generations.


£6 Million Fund for English Fishing Industry Reopens for 2024 Support

£6 million in match funding has been allocated for initiatives aimed at enhancing the catching, processing, and aquaculture sectors, as well as improving the marine environment, as part of the


Government Announces Support Initiatives for Pollack Fishermen

On Friday, February 23, the government announced new initiatives aimed at supporting fishermen impacted by the restrictions on pollack fishing for the upcoming year, 2024. Fishermen operating under-10m hand-and-pole line


UK Businesses Celebrate Protection for Iconic British Food and Drink in Japan

The UK and Japan have completed final agreements to protect nearly 40 iconic British food and beverage products. This protection enables British exporters to confidently enter the Japanese market, safeguarding


UK and Faroe Islands Forge 2024 Fishing Opportunities Agreement

On Monday, March 4th, the UK government announced that the fishing sector will gain access to more than 2,200 tonnes of fishing opportunities as a result of annual negotiations with


Hedgerow Protection Regulations to Enhance Wildlife Conservation

As of March 4th, the government has announced its commitment to legally protect English hedgerows, following a consultation conducted last year that gathered significant public support. With over 95% of


Conditional Approval for Emergency Pesticide Use to Safeguard Sugar Beet Crops

The permitted level for neonicotinoid application has risen significantly compared to previous years, reaching a historic high. The government is dedicated to discovering innovative pest management techniques that enhance food


Government Prioritizes Food Production as Key Focus of Farming

On Monday, March 25, new regulations were announced that emphasize the coexistence of environmental land management strategies with food production by restricting the acreage farmers can designate for non-productive uses


New Plans Unveiled to Boost the UK’s Fishing Industry

The government is responding to concerns from the fishing industry by eliminating the requirement for medical certificates for small-scale fishing operations. This change affects current fishermen working on vessels of
