Agriculture News: Stay updated with the latest in crop production, livestock management, AgTech innovations, sustainable farming practices, market trends, policy changes, and more. Get insights on climate impacts, pest control, and the future of food security.

Maximizing Crop Yield: Testing a Winter Wheat Catch Crop

The recent weather conditions may have posed challenges for combining, but they have been favorable for the establishment of cover and catch crops. The moisture and warmth have created an


Hot Topics on Euractiv: The Burning Issues You Need to Know

In the pro-EU coalition, there is still some uncertainty and disagreement on certain policy issues despite their vow to stick together against the far-right blocs. Von der Leyen will need


Loan Support of 689 Billion Lira from Banks to the Agricultural Sector in the First Half of 2024

The banking sector has announced the total amount of loans provided to companies operating in the agricultural sector. By the end of June 2024, the loan volume reached 689 billion


The Impact of Winter Cover Crops on Soil Nitrogen Levels

Drilling a winter cover crop mix can significantly boost soil nitrogen supply by up to 35kg N/ha and reduce nitrate leaching by 90% compared to leaving the field with weedy


Holistic Farm Policies Needed to Support Sustainable Development Goals: EESC’s Peter Schmidt

Governments are shifting their focus away from Sustainable Development Goals, but Peter Schmidt, President of the Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment Sector (NAT) at the European Economic and Social


Agricultural Input Prices Soar by 47%: Here are the Details

Agricultural input price index (Agri-GFE) data indicates that agricultural costs have increased by nearly 50% over the past year. In June, costs rose by approximately 1% on a monthly basis.


How to Successfully Implement Beet and Bale Grazing in a Wet Winter

A Welsh family at Newton Farm in Scethrog, near Brecon, faced a challenge last winter when they implemented bale grazing for their suckler cows to improve soil health and reduce


Finding the Best Seal Deal: Balancing Animal Welfare and Fishing Rights in EU Fisheries

Animal welfare groups are advocating for the protection of seals under EU legislation, while Baltic fishermen are lobbying for support to improve their fish hauls. The EU trade ban on


Agricultural Index: Optimism Grows Despite Concerns

In July, the sentiment of agricultural producers improved across three broad measures. The Purdue University-CME Group Agricultural Economy Barometer Index rose to 113, an increase of 8 points. Similarly, the


EU ministers clash over Hungary’s stance on vegetarian and insect-based food preferences

Ministers from Spain and Germany criticized Hungary’s position on “novel foods” at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting in Brussels. The Hungarian presidency advocated for protecting Europe’s culinary traditions from
