Agriculture News: Stay updated with the latest in crop production, livestock management, AgTech innovations, sustainable farming practices, market trends, policy changes, and more. Get insights on climate impacts, pest control, and the future of food security.

Danish Carbon Tax on Agriculture: A Model for Europe or a Unique Approach?

Denmark is taking a bold step towards reducing emissions from agriculture, with the national parliament approving a binding target to cut emissions from the sector by 55 to 65 per


Hazelnut Farmers Reduce Costs with Harvest Nets: A Sustainable Solution

Tekkeköy District Governor Enver Hakan Zengince visited hazelnut producers to examine the harvesting net system. Zengince stated that the net harvesting method ensures that hazelnut branches and trees are collected


UK Labour Party plans to ban bottom fishing if elected

The UK Labour Party, expected to win the upcoming general election on 4 July, has declared its intention to ban bottom fishing in all national marine protected areas. This decision


Defra reveals significant underspend of £358m over three years

The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) has criticized Defra for failing to distribute around £130m in funding to farmers, calling it a setback for the agriculture sector. This shortfall was disclosed


Consumers Representative Highlights Labelling Challenges for Next Commission

Agustín Reyna, the newly appointed director general of the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC), emphasized the need for “political courage” in addressing pending legislation on agrifood issues in the upcoming European


Winter Seed Availability and Prices in the High £400s

Seed suppliers are currently offering winter wheat at prices ranging from £450/t to £550/t, with additional specialist treatments potentially adding over £150 to the base price. Despite a slight decrease


EU Reintroduces Quotas on Sugar and Egg Imports from Ukraine: What You Need to Know

The European Commission announced on Monday that tariffs and quotas on Ukrainian imports of eggs and sugar will be reinstated starting from Tuesday. This decision comes as a result of


Rize Agricultural Chamber Launches Tea Seed Oil Factory to Support Tea Producers

The Rize Agricultural Chamber has launched a new project to support tea producers by establishing a factory for producing oil from tea seeds in its R&D garden located in the


Optimal Malting Barley Pricing Now Available at £19/t Above Feed Barley

The premium for growing malting barley has decreased over the last year, as the UK market is well supplied with high-quality spring crops. The winter barley area in England decreased
