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NGOs Urge EU Watchdog for Relaxation of CAP Green Rules

NGOs ClientEarth and BirdLife Europe filed a complaint with the EU Ombudsman on July 24 regarding the European Commission’s recent decision to ease certain environmental regulations under the Common Agricultural


EU Agriculture Chief Rejects Reform-Linked Funds for Farmers

The outgoing EU Commissioner for Agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski, expressed strong opposition to tying the EU budget, particularly in agriculture, to political conditions and milestones. He emphasized that this approach, reminiscent


EU Receives Historic Request to Approve Sale of Lab-Grown Meat

In a groundbreaking move, French firm Gourmey has submitted a pre-market authorization request for lab-grown foie gras, marking the first such application within the European Union. The Paris-based company, specializing


Growing Tensions in Europe Over Agricultural Water Use and Storage Solutions

Water management and storage systems have become contentious issues in southern European countries, sparking protests in France regarding water reserves designated for agricultural use. Activists are mobilizing support, extending their


NGOs Urge European Commission to Prioritize Animal Welfare in Future Farming Vision

European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen has announced plans for her new Commission to unveil a ‘Vision for Agriculture and Food’ within the first 100 days. However, various associations


EU Court Clarifies Wolf Hunting Regulations for Spain Following Austria’s Lead

ECJ Rules Against Wolf Hunting in Spain’s Castilla y León The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has determined that regions cannot permit the hunting of wolves if their national population


EU Farmers Warn: Cultivated Foie Gras Could Lead to Rise in Lab-Grown Meats

As a French firm has lodged a request with the EU to market a cultivated duck product resembling the renowned foie gras, the EU livestock industry has expressed strong opposition,


French Farmers Urge EU Aid to Offset Poor Grain Harvest Impact

French wheat producers are urging the European Union to release its crisis funding, known as the agricultural reserve, and to enhance state aid for the sector, as ongoing rains since


NGOs and Industry Voice Concerns About EU Anti-Deforestation Law

The upcoming enforcement of an EU law aimed at ensuring that European supply chains are free from deforestation is raising concerns among various stakeholders, including industries, traders, farmers, and environmental


Rise of Plant-Based Diets in the EU: The Influence of Culture and Economy on Food Choices

EU member states are increasingly incorporating climate change considerations into their dietary guidelines. However, economic and cultural disparities across nations hinder the establishment of a unified EU approach to sustainable
