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EU Court of Justice rules against wolf hunting for economic reasons

The EU Court of Justice ruled that economic reasons alone, such as preventing losses of livestock, are not sufficient to allow hunting of wolves, as EU member states consider reducing


Impact of mines on Ukraine’s agriculture: A closer look at the heavy toll

In Ukraine, government and international NGOs are struggling to clear mines in a timely manner to meet the needs of farmers who are often forced to do the dangerous work


EU revises 2027 target for smartphone use in agricultural controls

The digital integration of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was seen as a way to reduce the administrative burden on farmers. However, member states have approved a Commission proposal


Hot Topics on Euractiv: The Burning Issues You Need to Know

In the pro-EU coalition, there is still some uncertainty and disagreement on certain policy issues despite their vow to stick together against the far-right blocs. Von der Leyen will need


Holistic Farm Policies Needed to Support Sustainable Development Goals: EESC’s Peter Schmidt

Governments are shifting their focus away from Sustainable Development Goals, but Peter Schmidt, President of the Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment Sector (NAT) at the European Economic and Social


Finding the Best Seal Deal: Balancing Animal Welfare and Fishing Rights in EU Fisheries

Animal welfare groups are advocating for the protection of seals under EU legislation, while Baltic fishermen are lobbying for support to improve their fish hauls. The EU trade ban on


EU ministers clash over Hungary’s stance on vegetarian and insect-based food preferences

Ministers from Spain and Germany criticized Hungary’s position on “novel foods” at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting in Brussels. The Hungarian presidency advocated for protecting Europe’s culinary traditions from


MEP Pascal Canfin advocates for collaborative approach between EPP and farmers to support nature

In a recent interview with Euractiv, Pascal Canfin, the outgoing chair of the European Parliament’s Environment Committee, urged lawmakers from the centre-right European People’s Party to adopt a more ecological


Agricultural Ministers’ Key Priorities for the Next Term

Agriculture has been a hot topic in the Council debate, with calls for exempting it from net-zero climate plans and stronger support for farmers. The discussion, based on a note


Renew’s Valerie Hayer and other prominent figures to serve on next Parliament’s agriculture committee

Liberal leader Valerie Hayer and socialist chief Iratxe Garcia Perez are set to join the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee (AGRI) for the new term, according to draft lists seen by
