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EU trade policy clashes with sustainability and food sovereignty goals, says farming organization

The EU agricultural sector is calling for a shift in policy towards controlling prices and moving away from free trade agreements, such as the stalled deal with Mercosur, according to


Agrifish Council faces unprecedented panic: what this means for EU policy and fisheries

France is on the brink of having a new National Assembly following the legislative elections on Sunday evening (7 July). If the Rassemblement national (RN) and its right-wing allies manage


Innovative ‘Plan Bee’ Technology Revolutionizes Crop and Seed Protection for Next Generation – Euractiv

Bee vectoring technology is revolutionizing crop protection by utilizing bees to administer targeted crop controls through pollination. This innovative precision agriculture system reduces the need for chemical pesticides, benefiting both


Starmer pledges support for farming, but questions linger over UK agriculture plans

The new centre-left government in the UK has made commitments to support British farming and prioritize food security. However, uncertainty surrounds Labour’s plans for post-Brexit farming policies following their historic


EU centre-right party targets agriculture Commissioner, according to farming policy chief

The chair of the European Parliament’s Agriculture and Rural Development Committee (AGRI) is expected to be taken by the Conservatives, according to Herbert Dorfmann, the current European People’s Party (EPP)


European fisheries optimistic for increased collaboration with UK after Labour victory

The UK general election results have created opportunities for closer collaboration between the Labour Party and the EU, especially in the fishing industry. Europe’s leading industrial fishing company, Europêche, is


EU food watchdog rejects concerns on gene-edited crops proposal amid Council deadlock

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has backed the European Commission’s criteria for relaxing rules on certain gene-edited foods, stating that they are scientifically justified. The Hungarian Council Presidency, however,


Promoting Animal Welfare in Europe: HSI Europe Manifesto

Humane Society International is dedicated to advancing the welfare of animals globally. Their mission includes promoting the bond between animals and humans, rescuing and protecting dogs and cats, improving farm


Hungarian presidency defends EU culinary tradition with offensive against ‘novel’ food

EU agriculture ministers will discuss on Monday whether insects, plant-based foods, or lab-grown meat could impact Europe’s culinary traditions at Budapest’s initiative. The Hungarian Council Presidency’s note highlights the importance


Boosting the European wine sector through stakeholder forum engagement

The wine sector in Europe is facing challenges such as shifts in consumer preferences, climate change, and surplus wine stocks. To address these issues, a new EU forum called the
