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Danish Carbon Tax on Agriculture: A Model for Europe or a Unique Approach?

Denmark is taking a bold step towards reducing emissions from agriculture, with the national parliament approving a binding target to cut emissions from the sector by 55 to 65 per


UK Labour Party plans to ban bottom fishing if elected

The UK Labour Party, expected to win the upcoming general election on 4 July, has declared its intention to ban bottom fishing in all national marine protected areas. This decision


Consumers Representative Highlights Labelling Challenges for Next Commission

Agustín Reyna, the newly appointed director general of the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC), emphasized the need for “political courage” in addressing pending legislation on agrifood issues in the upcoming European


EU Reintroduces Quotas on Sugar and Egg Imports from Ukraine: What You Need to Know

The European Commission announced on Monday that tariffs and quotas on Ukrainian imports of eggs and sugar will be reinstated starting from Tuesday. This decision comes as a result of


EPP draft plan downplays anti-deforestation law in favor of other priorities

The European People’s Party (EPP) is pushing to delay the implementation of the EU’s anti-deforestation law, which is set to come into effect by the end of the year. The


Producers call for action on EU CAP aid delays for farms transitioning to organic

The European Union views organic farming as a crucial component of sustainable agriculture. However, countries like France are facing challenges with delays in the payment of subsidies under the Common


EU Farmers Chief Urges Appointment of Vice-President for Agriculture in Next Commission

The upcoming European Commission should appoint a robust agriculture commissioner to reflect the growing significance of food and farming in the political landscape, according to the president of COPA, the


Leading EPP lawmaker announces split of busiest EU Parliament committee

The European Parliament’s environment and health committee (ENVI) is set to undergo a significant change, with plans to split it up so that health and food safety are handled separately.


Top Priority: EU Coalition Focuses on Farmers’ Position in Food Supply Chain

The three centrist political groups forming the new majority coalition at the European Parliament are prioritizing strengthening the position of farmers in the food supply chain, according to draft documents


EU retailers highlight concerns over market fragmentation and call for action to address imbalances in the food chain

The EU agrifood policy for the next mandate should focus on removing barriers to investment in the agrifood sector, according to Christel Delberghe, director general of retailers’ association EuroCommerce. Delberghe
