Breaking News: Minister of Agriculture fires controversial podcaster after media criticism.

20 thoughts on “Breaking News: Minister of Agriculture fires controversial podcaster after media criticism.

  1. Roman Cabanac's Crime was being a YouTuber.

    Put it this way if Roman Cabanac was unknown and his views also unknown, Roman would have held this position till the next General Election at least.

    There are many individuals who hold views that could be leveraged to Cancel those Individuals.

    The present views of Jacob Zuma eg Anti-Constitutionalism, (the fate of) Black People who vote for "White" Parties, are not even NEW views by Jacob Zuma.

    Jacob Zuma's ideals were simply kept in check by both the Constitution Zuma hates and the ANC itself.

    Roman Cabanac is one of those Tongue-In-Cheek, playful hyperbole stating YouTubers.

    The DA have better mechanisms for keeping their appointees in check than the ANC.

  2. I don’t condone what Roman said, but hey Ramaphosa has been called all sorts of horrible things by the public, podcasters, and opposition politicians. He should be thick skinned by now. At least JS came to his senses and did the right thing.

  3. The DA used to claim to have "qualified" people….why are they employing social media personalities, podcasters, racist and all? Where are the qualified people? If they need employees we are qualified with degrees, just not racist or ANC/DA members 😂

  4. I'd also say the same if I was in his situation he really hurt us .ppl make mistakes but this is just a simple explanation from him he has to get a stronger explanation to what he did and if I were him I'd do it now since I'm out of the GNU.some of us made tattoos when we were younger and today we can't get jobs as cops because of our past .

  5. I don’t think Roman can be rehabilitated. That guy is crass to the core. Him and his friend on the morning shot push the worst narrative about this country and African people. He has been like this for a long time by the way

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