Alistair Carmichael confirmed as Efra chairman: Lib Dem MP takes the helm

Alistair Carmichael, a member of parliament and farmer, has been appointed as the new chairman of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Efra) Select Committee, promising to start strong in his new role. The Liberal Democrat MP for Orkney and Shetland, with a background in farming, aims to advocate for rural communities and address environmental and agricultural challenges in the UK.

Having represented a rural constituency for over two decades, Carmichael plans to focus on key areas such as rural community representation, food security, environmental issues, trade, and a collaborative approach in his new position. He intends to work closely with organizations and experts to tackle pressing issues like fishing, farming, water quality, and pollution.

With a lengthy “to-do list” ahead, Carmichael is eager to get started and make a meaningful impact as the chairman of the Efra Committee. His priorities include ensuring rural communities have a strong voice in parliament, contributing to a realistic food security policy, addressing environmental issues, protecting the interests of fishers and farmers in trade agreements, and fostering collaboration across political parties and regional assemblies for better policy outcomes.


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