AHDB report: Over 80% of Scottish wheat harvest still outstanding

In England, most farmers have finished their cereal and oilseed harvest, but progress in Scotland has been slow due to rain and humid conditions halting combines.

The latest AHDB harvest progress report shows that 84% of the Scottish wheat harvest is still to be cut, with only a 4% increase in progress over the past two weeks. Here is a summary of the report:


  • Harvest in the UK is 95% complete, with Scotland lagging at 16% due to weather conditions.
  • Yields are down 8% on average, with variability posing a challenge for growers.
  • Quality indicators like specific weight, Hagberg Falling Number, protein, and moisture levels are within acceptable ranges.

Spring barley

  • The UK spring barley harvest is 79% complete, slightly behind the average pace.
  • Yields are down 4% with an average of 5.67t/ha.
  • Quality attributes like specific weight, screenings, grain nitrogen, germination, and moisture levels are meeting standards.


  • The oat harvest is progressing slowly in Scotland, with 16% complete by 11 September.
  • Yields are down 7% on average, with variability between regions.
  • Quality indicators like specific weight and moisture levels are within expected ranges.


  • Pulse harvest is 57% complete on average across reporting regions, with delays in spring pulse harvesting.
  • Growers are waiting for spring beans to be ready for harvest.

Overall, the harvest progress in Scotland has been significantly impacted by adverse weather conditions, leading to delays and lower yields in some regions. The quality of the crops harvested so far remains generally acceptable.


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