Environmental Improvement Grants Available in Wales

The Welsh government has launched an interim scheme called the Integrated Natural Resources Scheme (INRS) to encourage farmers in Wales to collaborate on various projects such as flood risk management and woodland creation. Farmers and land managers have until 27 September to apply to be part of this scheme, which aims to inform the collaborative element of the planned Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS) in Wales.

Welsh rural affairs secretary Huw Irranca-Davies highlighted that the INRS will focus on enabling farmers and land managers to work together to deliver innovative solutions that benefit farmers, rural businesses, and rural communities. Projects considered for inclusion in the scheme could involve enhancing peatlands, creating woodland, improving public access, and protecting landscape and historic features.

The government is also interested in applications that enhance priority and semi-natural habitats, improve the scale and diversity of natural features, and strengthen the resilience of Wales’ network of protected sites through landscape-scale actions. Farming Connect will be hosting a webinar on 11 September to provide farmers with more information about the INRS.

For more details on the rules of the scheme, interested parties can find information online on the government’s website.


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