One-pass Alien System Combi: Air Drill & Plough Combined

A new furrow press seeder called the Alien System, developed in Germany, offers a one-pass approach to sowing crops on light land. This innovative system combines an air seeder with electronic GPS control for variable-rate sowing and simultaneous fertiliser application. By using disc coulters and press rings mounted on a swing-across arm, the machine can plough, press, and sow in a single operation, resulting in a firm and friable seed-bed.

The Alien System has been tested in practical situations, showing cost savings and improved crop performance. Implementing this system has allowed farmers to prioritize cost efficiencies without compromising yield. By eliminating a pass in the seeding process, manpower, fuel, and maintenance costs are reduced. Additionally, less field travel helps minimize soil compaction, reducing the need for remedial treatments.

The Alien System is available in different widths and specifications, with options for seed-only or seed and fertiliser combination models. The advanced versions include digital control elements, electronic metering, and variable-rate seeding and fertiliser placement using satellite guidance. This cutting-edge technology streamlines the seeding process for precision and consistency.

While the Alien System introduces a new approach to one-pass ploughing and sowing, it builds on earlier concepts like the Dowdeswell Engineering furrow press and Kockerling’s Minimat. By combining modern seed drill technology with the benefits of previous systems, the Alien System offers a fully mounted, mobile solution for efficient crop establishment on light land.

For a demonstration of the Alien System in action, check out the Kockerling Minimat video.


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