Hot Topics on Euractiv: The Burning Issues You Need to Know

In the pro-EU coalition, there is still some uncertainty and disagreement on certain policy issues despite their vow to stick together against the far-right blocs. Von der Leyen will need to carefully address these issues in her speech to prevent defections from the coalition.

One key point of contention is the revision of the EU’s 2035 combustion engine ban. While the EPP wants to revise the ban, the socialists are adamant about preserving it. The stance on this issue is crucial for the future of the coalition.

Agricultural issues have also come to the forefront, especially after the farmers’ protests in early 2024. Different groups have varying priorities, such as fair remuneration for farmers and addressing unfair trading practices. The implementation of the anti-deforestation law is another hot topic, with the EPP seeking a delay.

The wording on the Middle East conflict is another sensitive issue that could sway votes. Von der Leyen is expected to focus on European defence and security, but she must be careful not to alienate any specific countries. The reference to recent proposals for security in Europe’s East and the creation of an EU-funded air defence shield are potential sticking points.

Overall, Von der Leyen’s speech before the vote will need to address these contentious issues while navigating the diverging interests within the pro-EU coalition.


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