Holistic Farm Policies Needed to Support Sustainable Development Goals: EESC’s Peter Schmidt

Governments are shifting their focus away from Sustainable Development Goals, but Peter Schmidt, President of the Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment Sector (NAT) at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), argues for a holistic approach. Schmidt emphasizes the need for policies that can assist farmers and citizens in transitioning to a more sustainable way of producing and consuming.

When discussing the main challenges facing the agricultural sector in Europe, Schmidt highlights the impact of climate change, including issues such as water scarcity, droughts, and floods. He also mentions the volatility of prices, influenced by factors like the Ukraine invasion and the COVID crisis. Additionally, Schmidt points out the social challenge faced by medium and small-sized farmers due to economic difficulties and disparities in the supply chain.

In terms of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, Schmidt notes that only 17 percent of the goals have been reached so far. He expresses concern about the shifting priorities of governments and economic actors away from the SDGs, which puts the entire agenda at risk. Schmidt emphasizes the importance of incorporating the SDGs into budgeting and governance processes.

Regarding the role of the NAT, Schmidt explains that they take a proactive approach in developing positions and engaging in debates. The NAT collaborates with stakeholders to promote sustainable development, challenge growth models, and advocate for policies that prioritize well-being over profit. The NAT is actively involved in the European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN) and contributes to the implementation of the SDGs.

When asked about the challenges posed by the new Commission, Schmidt acknowledges potential difficulties due to political shifts. He highlights the importance of maintaining independence and critical engagement with the Commission, especially in the context of populist and right-wing influences.

In terms of reconciling demands from farmers and consumers for sustainable practices, Schmidt emphasizes the need for systemic changes. He calls for policies that address issues such as greenhouse gas emissions, food speculation, and the socioeconomic factors influencing food production and pricing. Schmidt stresses the importance of supporting farmers and ensuring access to quality food for all members of society.

In conclusion, Schmidt addresses the upcoming High-level Political Forum (HLPF) and stresses the need to focus on implementing existing goals rather than creating new programs. He emphasizes the importance of stakeholder engagement and feedback to ensure the feasibility of policies. Schmidt highlights the role of the EESC in providing a reality check on policy implementation at both the European and global levels.


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