Economists Warn of Tough Road Ahead for Farm Prices as EU Launches Agrifood Observatory

The EU Agri-Food Chain Observatory, established to enhance transparency in prices and value distribution in the agri-food supply chain, convened its inaugural meeting on Wednesday. The initiative brings together 48 stakeholders from various sectors to address calls from farmers for fairer prices.

The observatory was launched in response to farmer protests earlier in 2024, which exposed dissatisfaction with the functioning of the food supply chain. EU Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski stated that the lack of trust and confidence in the system prompted the establishment of the observatory.

In an effort to address farmer concerns, the European Commission announced several measures in March, including ensuring fair remuneration for farmers, improving price transparency, and enforcing rules against unfair trading practices. However, implementation of these rules varies among member states, with examples like Spain, France, and Croatia standing out for their strict enforcement.

Agricultural economists caution that there is no simple solution to farmer remuneration issues due to market dynamics. While initiatives like the observatory aim to improve price transparency, they may not resolve the underlying problem of low margins for farmers. Suggestions for minimum prices or price-fixing are viewed skeptically, as they could lead to market imbalances and overproduction.

Experts like Professor Jack Peerlings emphasize the importance of market structure in addressing farmer compensation. He warns against price-fixing and advocates for initiatives that empower farmers in negotiations with the retail sector. Measures such as improving product traceability and promoting local goods through alternative sales points could help farmers differentiate themselves in the market.

Overall, while short supply chains and niche markets may be profitable for some farmers, they are not universally applicable solutions. Finding ways to enhance farmers’ negotiating power and visibility in the market is essential for improving their financial stability.


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