Top 5 Must-Listen Agriculture Podcasts for 2023

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As farmers navigate their combines or tractors, or stroll through their fields, they may look to expand their knowledge through podcasts that discuss innovations, business strategies, farmer narratives, and a variety of related topics.

Currently, the realm of agriculture podcasts is thriving, with several shows already entering their eighth season. Each podcast takes a unique approach, covering everything from regenerative agriculture to highlighting the contributions of women in farming, all delivering valuable insights into the complexities of farm management.

Agriculture Dive has rounded up five top podcast recommendations in the agriculture sector, along with noteworthy episodes from each.

Thriving Farmer Podcast

Hosted by Ohio farmer Michael Kilpatrick, this engaging podcast provides practical tips for enhancing farm efficiency and profitability. Drawing on his two decades of experience in vegetable production, Kilpatrick engages with a diverse group of farmers who offer insights into maximizing revenue, navigating wholesale markets, and implementing permaculture practices. The Thriving Farmer Podcast also features episodes focused on cultivating specific crops, including cashews, dahlias, and organic almonds.

Recommended Episode: Paul Muller on Organic Farming’s Past, Present and Future

Summary: Paul Muller, co-owner of Full Belly Farm in California, discusses the advantages of cover crops and the resilience of organic farming.

The Regenerative Agriculture Podcast

This podcast zeroes in on regenerative agriculture, a movement gaining traction in the sustainability efforts of the food industry since its start in 2018. Host John Kempf, founder of Advancing Eco Agriculture and Crop Health Labs, interviews farmers and entrepreneurs who have adopted regenerative practices to restore soil health and transform arid lands.

Kempf excels at simplifying complex concepts, making them accessible to farmers who may be less familiar with regenerative techniques.

Recommended Episode: Transforming Arid Landscapes with Taimur Malik

Summary: Malik, a regenerative farmer in Pakistan, discusses weed management, intercropping advantages and challenges, and the economic benefits of operating a regenerative farm.

The Business of Agriculture Podcast

This unique podcast explores the business aspects of farm management with a charismatic approach. Host Damian Mason, a business coach and author, draws from his extensive experience in agriculture to engage guests ranging from economists discussing the financial outlook of U.S. agriculture to tech founders focused on enhancing crop yields.

Mason often addresses current events, such as an April episode that analyzes the implications of the migrant crisis for farmers, and critiques trends that fell short of expectations, like the indoor agriculture boom.

Recommended Episode: A SWOT Analysis for American Agriculture

Summary: Ryan Moe, a regional director with financial services company StoneX, discusses modern agricultural challenges and encourages farmers to adopt a customer-focused mindset.

Rural Women Podcast

Hosted by Katelyn Duban, a former city dweller who became a farmer and entrepreneur, this podcast highlights the stories of women in agriculture, featuring interviews with farmers and experts who share their motivations for cultivating crops or raising livestock. The Rural Women Podcast often focuses on Canadian agriculture and delves into the emotional challenges faced by women in this field.

Recommended Episode: When Things Fall Apart: Surviving the Loss of My Husband

Summary: Rebecca recounts her journey of starting a 2,000-acre farm with her husband, navigating the grief of losing her partner, and her strategies for emotional and financial recovery.

The Future of Agriculture

This podcast emphasizes a proactive approach, exploring the individuals, companies, and concepts shaping the agriculture industry’s future. Episodes might address advancements in precision agriculture or the financial returns on investments in biopesticides and biostimulants. Hosted by Tim Hammerich, a former agricultural commodity trader turned entrepreneur, this podcast has been providing insightful discussions since 2016, presenting sharper, concise episodes that encourage guests to directly address key topics.

Recommended Episode: Is Agtech Entering A GenAI Era? Conversations From World Agri-Tech

Summary: While at the World Agri-Tech conference in San Francisco, Hammerich recorded insights on the influence of AI in agriculture, highlighting its transformative impact on farmers’ data utilization.


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