Janet Hughes: A Trailblazing Civil Servant Changing the Game

Janet Hughes, the director of farming and countryside at Defra, has been nominated for the prestigious Game Changers Award. This award will be revealed during the Farmers Weekly Awards on 3 October 2024.

Renowned for her openness to farmers’ insights, Janet actively incorporates their feedback into her work.

In her position at Defra, she plays a critical role in executing transformative changes to agricultural support, which are some of the most significant changes farmers have faced in years.

A centerpiece of her responsibilities is the introduction of the Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme for England. This includes the Sustainable Farming Incentive, designed to reward farmers who implement environmental practices alongside food production.

For further insight, check out: Game Changers: Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones, the diversity champion

Defining a Game Changer

This exceptional category, established to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Farmers Weekly Awards, highlights individuals who have made impactful innovations benefiting the food and farming sector over the past two decades.

Nominees may come from various backgrounds such as professionals, academics, scientists, environmentalists, or others contributing significantly to agriculture.

Discover more about the Game Changers Award.

Implementing significant policy changes can be daunting for those impacted, making the transition to ELM particularly complex alongside the phase-out of the Basic Payment Scheme.

In the midst of such shifts, Janet has engaged with farmers to gather insights on how to enhance these policies to meet their needs effectively while achieving intended outcomes rather than unexpected results.

Real-World Engagement

“My focus has always been on improving outcomes for people,” Janet states. “I’ve learned a lot about the pitfalls in government—often, the core issue lies in not fully understanding the real-world implications.”

Her previous role at London’s City Hall involved extensive dialogue with London residents, who helped illuminate issues overlooked within the organization.

She applied this lesson at Defra: “For these reforms to succeed, we need to view them from farmers’ perspectives. Without their involvement, we risk stagnation in meaningful change.”

Janet’s efforts to connect with farmers—whether through direct interactions, online platforms, or prominent agricultural events—have required her to be open to scrutiny. She strives to remain unaffected by criticism.

Listening with Purpose

“I’ve adopted a principle: hear the message while disregarding the delivery. If someone expresses frustration, there’s often a valid reason behind it that I can help address.”

Key Highlights

  • Fostering farmer engagement to refine policy effectiveness
  • Actively listening and responding to farmer insights
  • Committed to enhancing Defra’s approach
  • Facilitating the smooth integration of the ELM scheme

The ELM initiative has undergone several modifications based on farmer feedback, and Janet assures it will continue to adapt. “If we ever stop refining it, we risk it becoming outdated as scientific advancements and agricultural practices evolve,” she states.

“We gain insights with each farming season, and we must ensure the scheme grows in a structured manner to prevent causing disruptive changes while promoting steady progress.”

A Message from Our Sponsor Lightsource bp

Lightsource bp is a global leader in solar energy.

Our longstanding collaboration with farmers and the UK agricultural sector, along with our dedication to supporting rural economies, makes the Game Changers initiative a perfect alignment with our business values. We are honored to sponsor an award that celebrates the trailblazers in this field.


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