Turkey Agricultural Chambers Union Advisory Council Meeting: Celebrating World Farmers’ Day on May 14th

On May 14th, World Farmers’ Day, the Turkey Chamber of Agriculture Union Advisory Board Meeting was held with the participation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry İbrahim Yumaklı, Minister of Labor and Social Security Prof. Dr. Vedat Işıkhan, Türkiye Ziraat Odaları Union President Şemsi Bayraktar, heads of producer unions, provincial agriculture chamber presidents from all 81 provinces, and many farmers.

TZOB President Bayraktar expressed his gratitude, stating, “I would like to thank our President, Ministers, bureaucrats, presidents, and farmers for adding value to the meeting with their participation. Once again, I congratulate all our farmers on World Farmers’ Day, May 14th.”

During the meeting, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry İbrahim Yumaklı, Minister of Labor and Social Security Prof. Dr. Vedat Işıkhan, TZOB President Şemsi Bayraktar, Deputy Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry Ahmet Bağcı and Ahmet Gümen, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Security Adnan Ertem, heads of producer unions, and provincial agriculture chamber presidents from nine agricultural regions were listened to.

In the Advisory Board Meeting, various speakers, including Hasan Hüseyin Atar, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture at Ankara University, Ender Yarsan, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Ankara University, Tevfik Keskin, President of the Central Union of Milk Producers, İbrahim Afyon, President of the Central Union of Egg Producers, Alaaddin Gülal, President of the Central Union of Fruit Producers, and Yalçın Sezer, Board Member of the Agricultural Honey Producers Central Union, voiced their concerns regarding the industry’s challenges.

Representatives from the nine agricultural regions, including Mehmet Akın Doğan, President of the Yüreğir Agriculture Chamber, Muhsin Gümüş, President of the Seydikemer Agriculture Chamber, Rifat Kavuneker, President of the Karatay Agriculture Chamber, Hüseyin Arabacı, President of the Edirne Agriculture Chamber, Hikmet İpar, President of the Hilvan Agriculture Chamber, Tolga İskenderoğlu, President of the Borçka Agriculture Chamber, Arif Yılmaz Köksal, President of the Erbaa Agriculture Chamber, Adem Gökdere, President of the Delice Agriculture Chamber, and İsmet Hagi, President of the Digor Agriculture Chamber, reported their regional issues and farmers’ requests.

Bayraktar expressed hope that the Advisory Board Meeting would bring beneficial outcomes.

Source: Tarım Haberleri

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