EU and China Trade Chiefs Discuss Potential Price Undertakings in Electric Vehicle Tariff Dispute

China and the EU have reached an agreement to reconsider implementing a minimum price for Chinese electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers in order to avoid potential tariffs of up to 35.3%. This development indicates that a negotiated resolution to the ongoing trade dispute between the two parties may be achievable.

Following a meeting between Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao and EU Trade Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis, the two sides have agreed to revisit the concept of price undertakings, which involve setting price floors on products to prevent tariffs.

In a statement, Dombrovskis described the meeting as “constructive” and mentioned that efforts would be intensified to find a solution that is effective, enforceable, and compliant with WTO rules.

The EU recently rejected a price offer from Chinese automakers, citing concerns that it would not mitigate the negative effects of subsidies and could not be adequately monitored and enforced.

Additionally, the EU expressed reservations about China’s investigations into EU food and spirits imports, labeling them as unwarranted and lacking sufficient evidence. The Commission also raised concerns about China’s ties to Russia and its alleged circumvention of EU sanctions.

A crucial vote among EU member states on imposing duties on China-made EVs has been postponed, with speculations linking the delay to the recent meeting between Wang and Dombrovskis. The vote, originally scheduled for next week, is likely to be rescheduled for the following week.

The EU probe into EVs was announced by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen last year. The deadline for definitively imposing duties is set for October 30, unless a negotiated solution is reached.

In conclusion, the developments suggest a potential resolution to the trade dispute between China and the EU, with ongoing discussions focusing on finding a mutually acceptable solution.


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