Labor government ‘shut down’ farming sector with the ‘stroke of a pen’

44 thoughts on “Labor government ‘shut down’ farming sector with the ‘stroke of a pen’

  1. This world 🌎 has gone mental trying to starve Australians. ARE they actually working for our benefit. OR our demise seems like it .Farming is our food bowl 🍲 its a essential ingredient in life .We are not going to live on insects Remember you will have nothing and be happy. Like Food Australia 🇦🇺 need to support the Farming industry big time .And Australians need to go to the gates of the Government's general and say Enough is Enough. WE are in charge the people of Australia 🇦🇺 they suppose to be public servants and work for all Australians

  2. This has NOTHING to do with protecting children. It has EVERYTHING to do with registering people and forcing them to do BIOSCANNING to control access to the internet & phone to control access of information

  3. If your government is shutting down your farmers it’s time to shut the government down!!
    I’m pretty sure that’s what happened in Russia ruined the farms and became communist. Remember no farmers no food 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  4. This is all the agenda that is being instigated through the UN,WEF the IMF to have a globalist community running every country on this planet. There is a UN forum being held in New York on September 23-24 discussing and voting on Agenda 2030. When you read the topics you will see where this is all leading. We as the public get no say. Australia has a permanent member of state that agrees to everything and anything the UN wants . This the elites and globalists movement that are the puppet masters. Have a look at what all the prime minister’s and presidents are doing. They are doing what they are told. Reading the UN manifestos is seriously concerning. It is a word salad full Digital passport for everyone, digital identity, one world digital currency, having every one move into cities, also monitor everyone’s movements. They will also have power over water energy food and natural resources. Just read what it’s about. It’s all out there in black and white on the Un website.

  5. Labor is anti everything except public sector public servant jobs, it increases Union membership numbers who get fees and this money is given to the ALP for vote harvesting, the private sector exists to milk to then spend on the dependant Socialist Welfare State people, rusted on Labor voters who know who increase their monthly income.

  6. Last straw time to hit the politicians where it hurts. People if we do not vote these politicians out we will not have a country to work with. Time to make change. Australian people you deserve better than we are receiving.

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