LIVE: AG Garland delivers remarks to Justice Department employees

37 thoughts on “LIVE: AG Garland delivers remarks to Justice Department employees

  1. Why do you hate Trump so much? Is it because he’s going to investigate what corruption you’ve done? We the people aren’t falling for your threats. You are an enemy of our country.

  2. I respect & admire the "principles"& rules USAG Garland cites. Unfortunately, even if the DOJ employees follow them to the letter & court personnel are equally as ethical , the fly in the ointment of ideally administering "equal justice" to all is a system that relies on an attorney to argue why an individual should get equal justice & how good an attorney that individual can afford to hire & for how long. That's why there can never be "equal justice" for all.

  3. Give me a break! This guy is corrupt from head to toe. He needs to be prosecuted for all his crimes against America. Using the DOJ as a KGB, arresting and jailing Trump associates, putting Tulsi Gabbard on the Terrorist Watch list, filing false information to a FISA court to get a judgement to spy on Trump associates, election interference with their corrupt letter saying the laptop was a fake story, threatening to jail parents at school board meetings, hiding the laptop, doing absolutely nothing about the millions of unvetted illegals who have been trafficked into the USA. It's all documented in the book "Government Gangsters" by Kash Patel.

  4. So what was the reason for the targeting against the Catholic Church ? What about the targeting against parents at school boards? Do you think we have a short memory? This was proven in Congress why you sat and lie the American people heard you lie you are a liar just because you say it we know better.

    Joe Biden not raided, not charged with taking documents – Trump raided & charged for taking them. (obstruction is a secondary charge)
    Pro lifers – raided guns drawn – those who burn down pregnancy centers – never caught or charged.
    Jan 6 ers jailed for years – blm rioters had VP Harris set up a GoFundMe to get them the few arrested out of jail.

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