Amendments Needed: Updating Laws for Children in Tractors

On the final day of summer, amidst weeks of relentless rain totaling over 220mm, maintaining zero grazing has been a challenge. Despite the wet conditions, grass quality remains decent, although dry matter levels vary.

We’ve managed to keep up with zero grazing, but the excessive rain has hindered our ability to increase grass intakes. To compensate, we plan to add extra grass into the clamp with wholecrop spring wheat, weather permitting.

Before the weather took a turn for the worse, we were able to crimp our winter wheat, yielding around 15t/ha at 25% moisture. The crimped wheat has been treated with a food-grade preservative and should be ready for feeding soon, which we hope will result in increased yields to capitalize on the rising milk prices.

Despite the inclement weather preventing us from spreading muck or ploughing, we remain hopeful for better conditions in the future. In response to the recent controversy surrounding child passenger laws on tractors, I believe that modern tractors with fully functional seat belts provide a safe environment for children on family farms. It may be time to revisit and amend outdated regulations to accommodate the realities of modern farming practices.

Overall, the challenges we face in agriculture, from labor shortages to financial constraints, highlight the need for practical and flexible regulations that support the Sustainability and success of family farms.



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