2024 Winter Wheat Varieties: Yield and Market Share Data

2024 Manitoba Winter Wheat Variety Evaluation Trial Data

Data from the Manitoba Crop Variety Evaluation Trials (MCVET) on winter wheat for the 2024 growing season has been released. These data provide impartial information to farmers regarding regional variety performance and allow for variety comparisons. The data were obtained from small plot replicated trials conducted at various locations throughout Manitoba. Fungicides were not applied to these plots, making it possible to assess the true genetic potential. While significant amounts of data have been collected from MCVET, disease ratings are derived from variety registration data. The table below summarizes yield results by trial location according to the 2024 MCVET data. Yield results represent only the 2024 data, so long-term trends should be considered when making variety selection decisions. Previous data can be accessed in past editions of Seed Manitoba. In addition to yield, there are other variety characteristics to consider when making selection decisions, such as disease, insect, and lodging resistance. For factors to consider when selecting a new cereal variety, please refer to the Manitoba Agricultural Union article.
Table 2 also indicates whether there are significant yield differences among varieties at each trial location. If there is a significant yield difference, the least significant difference (LSD) is also included. LSD refers to the smallest bushels per acre difference necessary for two varieties to be considered statistically different from each other.
MASC Variety Market Share Data

The Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC) has also released the 2024 Variety Market Share Report. This report details the amount of land planted to each variety type in Manitoba and the relative percentage of land planted to each variety within each type. This information is useful for understanding overall production patterns in Manitoba. Farmer membership dollars have directly contributed to plant breeding research critical for the development of the best winter wheat varieties. Table 1 lists eight varieties based on land area percentage planted, all of which are Canadian Western Red Winter (CWRW) wheat varieties. This year’s MASC Variety Market Share Report includes only the eight planted varieties.

Source: Tarım Haberleri

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