September Ram Sales with Trade Up Opportunity Show Increase Year Over Year

At a recent auction, a Texel shearling tup fetched a top price of £2,000, leading the trade at North West Auctions’ annual event. Other Texel shearlings sold for up to £1,900, while Texel ram lambs reached £1,050 each. Crossbred rams also saw strong demand, with a Charollais cross Beltex selling for £1,900 and Suffolk shearlings reaching £1,500. The auction was deemed a success with high averages and a great turnout of sheep.

In another record-breaking event, Brecon Market saw a new high of 2,250gns paid for a ram lamb from Gareth Jones. The overall average trade for Torwen and Torddu rams at Brecon was £469 and £614, respectively. Looking ahead, upcoming ram sales at Kelso and NSA Wales & Border are anticipated with high interest, despite additional checks for bluetongue being introduced.

Despite restrictions in some regions, the Wales & Border sale in Builth Wells is still set to feature 3,300 sheep. Ram sale chairman Geoff Probert highlighted the strong sheep trade with firm fat lamb prices and buoyant cull ewe prices. Vendors are encouraged to send their best stock to Builth for optimal prices, as it offers a prime opportunity to showcase quality sheep and attract buyers. Builth remains a key market for gauging trade trends and maintaining visibility in the industry.


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