£6 Million Fund for English Fishing Industry Reopens for 2024 Support

£6 million in match funding has been allocated for initiatives aimed at enhancing the catching, processing, and aquaculture sectors, as well as improving the marine environment, as part of the latest funding round of the Fisheries and Seafood Scheme (FaSS).

This scheme, administered by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) on behalf of Defra, is now open for applications for this year’s funding. It is designed to support the fishing sector in numerous areas, including health and safety practices, processing enhancements, collaborative partnerships, research, and industry diversification.

This funding initiative builds upon the previous £27 million already dedicated to over 1,300 projects.

Successful applicants will have opportunities to invest in various activities, such as acquiring health and safety gear to ensure the safety of fishing crews, purchasing processing machinery to elevate the quality of seafood products, modifying vessels for better energy efficiency, fostering innovation partnerships, and developing new income streams.

Mark Spencer, Fisheries Minister, stated:

Our fishing industry is renowned for providing top-quality seafood, sustaining a wide range of skilled jobs, and contributing significantly to the vitality of our coastal communities.

This funding will empower additional projects and businesses to achieve greater sustainability and resilience, explore new markets, and boost our efforts to protect and enhance our valued marine environment.

Paul Errington, Acting Director of Finance and Resources at MMO, remarked:

We are thrilled to continue offering this vital financial support to strengthen England’s fishing communities. FaSS has already provided essential health and safety provisions for numerous fishers, assisted businesses in diversifying their operations, and enhanced the economic significance and voice of the fishing community.

MMO’s grants team will assist fishers throughout the application process, offering guidance on initial plans and reviewing expressions of interest before full applications are submitted. Our investments have made a significant impact, and we are eager to build on these achievements.

Coastal communities affected by the recent closure of the pollack fishery are encouraged to seek guidance from MMO to explore growth through new opportunities and collaborative efforts. We aim to provide additional support to the most sustainable sectors of the fleet by prioritizing applications from smaller fishing vessels under 10 meters that utilize pole and handline techniques.

The Lyme Bay Fisherman’s Community Interest Company (CIC), which represents almost 50 inshore fishermen across four ports in the Southwest, has benefited from the FaSS since November 2022. 

With £140,000 in funding, the CIC has launched a website, established a seafood trail, initiated a school outreach program to attract new talent to the industry, and supported local businesses through community scavenger hunts while engaging with regulatory bodies.

Mandy Wolfe, Chief Executive of Lyme Bay Fisherman’s CIC, shared her thoughts:

We are incredibly thankful to MMO for their support in launching our CIC. Our work has been unprecedented, and MMO has played a crucial role in ensuring we received the necessary support to turn our vision into reality.

For others who may follow our path, I advise documenting all your ideas, leaving nothing behind, and collaborating with MMO to draft a successful proposal. Their grants team provided invaluable assistance and guidance, and while not every request was funded, we gained a clearer understanding of the decision-making process and uncovered new ideas that we hadn’t considered.

Additional projects benefiting from FaSS include:

  • Larry’s Fishcakes, a seafood processing company located in North Shields, has received close to £164,000 in funding to assist the company in diversifying and entering the retail sector.
  • The Cornish Fish Producers Organisation was allocated over £310,000 for multiple projects aimed at improving seafood marketing, enhancing fisher safety, and commissioning studies on spatial squeeze, economic value, and the commercial fishing sector’s significance in Cornwall.
  • Approximately £8 million has been dedicated to over 470 health and safety projects, equipping fishers with essential PPE and gear to ensure vessel safety, hygiene, and crew wellbeing.

The FaSS is accepting applications until 31 March 2025 or until all funds are distributed, whichever occurs first, with funding awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

Additional Information:

  • Funding is available for both new initiatives and existing projects that are already benefiting from the scheme.
  • MMO will accept applications from smaller projects year-round, while projects valued at £150,000 or more must be submitted in the spring for panel review.
  • Applications can be submitted here.
  • For further details about FaSS and to contact MMO’s grants team, visit gov.uk.


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