2024 Rice Purchase Prices – TMO’s Latest List

In 2024, rice production is expected to reach 980,000 tons. The harvest has commenced in September, and the Turkish Grain Board (TMO) has set the purchase prices for rice. The payment rates are as follows: for Baldo variety rice, the price is set at 31,000 TL per ton; for Cammeo variety rice, it’s 30,000 TL per ton; and for Osmancık variety rice, the payment will be 25,000 TL per ton. Additionally, producers will receive support for fuel, fertilizers, seeds, and price difference payments from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Detailed information will be provided by TMO. We wish for the new rice harvest season to be fruitful and prosperous for our country and its people.

Source: Tarım Haberleri

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